Tuesday, 25 August 2015

The Holy Quran (Al-Quran / Al-Qitab)

1) Do they not ponder on the Quran? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy. (Surah 4 An-Nisa Verse 82).
2) ....nothing have We omitted from the Book.... (Surah 6, Al-An’am, Verse 38 Part).
3) Say: ‘No reward for this do I ask of you: this is but a reminder to the nations.’ (Surah 6, Al-An’am, Verse 90 Part).
4) And this is a Book which We have sent down, bringing blessings and confirming (the revelations) which came before it; ....Those who believe in the Hereafter believe in this (Book) , and they are constant in guarding their prayers. (Surah 6, Al-An’am, Verse 92 Part).
5) This is the Way of thy Lord leading straight: We have detailed the Signs for those who receive admonition. (Surah 6, Al-An’am, Verse 126).
6) And this is a Book which We have revealed as a Blessing: so follow it and be righteous, that ye may receive mercy. (Surah 6, Al-An’am, Verse 155).
7) ....Now then hath come unto you a clear (Sign) from your Lord – and a guide and a mercy.... (Surah 6, Al-An’am, Verse 157 Part).
8) For We had certainly sent unto them a Book based on knowledge, which We explained in detail - , a guide and a mercy to all who believe. (Surah 7, Al-Ar’af, Verse 52).
9) When the Quran is read, listen to it with attention, and hold your peace: that ye may receive Mercy. (Surah 7, Al-Ar’af, Verse 204).
10) This Quran is not such as can be produced by other than Allah..... (Surah 10, Yunus, Verse 37 (part)).
11) All that we relate to thee of the stories of the messengers, - with it We make firm thy heart: in them there cometh to thee the Truth, as well as an exhortation and a message of remembrance to those who believe. (Surah 11, Hud, verse 120).
12) Yet no faith will the greater part of mankind have, however ardently thou dost desire it. And no reward dost thou ask of them for this: it is no less than a message for all creatures. (Surah 12, Yusuf, verses 103-104)
13) There is, in their stories, instruction for men endued with understanding. It is not a tale invented, but a confirmation of what went before it, - a detailed exposition of all things, and a guide and a mercy to any such as believe. (Surah 12, Yusuf, verse 111).
14) A. L. R. A Book which We have revealed unto thee, in order that thou mightest lead mankind out of the depths of darkness into light - by the leave of their Lord - to the Way of (Him) the Exalted in power, worthy of all praise!- (Surah 14, Ibrahim, verse 1).
15) We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption). (Surah 15, Al-Hijr, verse 9).
16) And We sent down the Book to thee for the express purpose, that thou shouldst make clear to them those things in which they differ, and that it should be a guide and a mercy to those who believe. (Surah 16, An-Nahl, verse 64).
17) Verily this Qur´an doth guide to that which is most right (or stable),(2183) and giveth the Glad Tidings to the Believers who work deeds of righteousness, that they shall have a magnificent reward; (Surah 17, Bani Isra-il, verse 9).
18) We send down (stage by stage) in the Qur´an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe: to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss (Surah 17, Bani Isra-il, verse 82).
19) Say: "If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur´an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support. And We have explained to man, in this Qur´an, every kind of similitude: yet the greater part of men refuse (to receive it) except with ingratitude! (Surah 17, Bani Isra-il, verses 88-89).
20) (It is) a Qur´an which We have divided (into parts from time to time), in order that thou mightest recite it to men at intervals: We have revealed it by stages.( Say: "Whether ye believe in it or not, it is true that those who were given(2318) knowledge beforehand, when it is recited to them, fall down on their faces in humble prostration,(Surah 17, Bani Isra-il, verses 106-107).
21) Praise be to Allah, Who hath sent to His Servant the Book, and hath allowed therein no Crookedness: (Surah 18, Al-Kahf, verse 1).
22) We have not sent down the Qur´an to thee to be (an occasion) for thy distress, But only as an admonition to those who fear ((Allah), - (Surah 20, Ta-Ha, verses 2-3).
23) Thus have We sent this down - an Arabic Qur´an - and explained therein in detail some of the warnings, in order that they may fear Allah, or that it may cause their remembrance (of Him).(Surah 20, Ta-Ha, verse 113).
24) We have revealed for you (O men!) a book in which is a Message for you: will ye not then understand? (Surah 21, Al-Anbiyya, verse 10).
25) Verily in this (Qur´an) is a Message for people who would (truly) worship Allah.
 We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creatures. (Surah 21, Al-Anbiyya, verses 106-107).
26) Yet there is among men such a one as disputes about Allah, without Knowledge, without Guidance, and without a Book of Enlightenment (Surah 22, Al-Hajj, verse 8).
27) And that those on whom knowledge has been bestowed may learn that the (Qur´an) is the Truth from thy Lord, and that they may believe therein, and their hearts may be made humbly (open) to it: for verily Allah is the Guide of those who believe, to the Straight Way (Surah 22, Al-Hajj, verse54).
28) Do they not ponder over the Word of Allah. or has anything (new) come to them that did not come to their fathers of old?(Surah 23, Al-Mu’minun, verse 68).
29) Say: "The (Qur´an) was sent down by Him who knows the mystery (that is) in the heavens and the earth: verily He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (Surah 25, Al-Furqan, verse 6).
30) Those who reject Faith say: "Why is not the Qur´an revealed to him all at once? Thus (is it revealed), that We may strengthen thy heart thereby, and We have rehearsed it to thee in slow, well-arranged stages, gradually. And no question do they bring to thee but We reveal
to thee the truth and the best explanation (thereof). (Surah 25, Al-Furqan, verses 32-33).
31) These are verses of the Book that makes (things) clear.(Surah 26, Ash-Shuaraa, verse 2).
32) Verily this is a Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds: With it came down the spirit of Faith and Truth-To thy heart and mind, that thou mayest admonish. In the perspicuous Arabic tongue. (Surah 26, Ash-Shuaraa, verses 192-195).
33) We have not instructed the (Prophet) in Poetry, nor is it meet for him: this is no less
than a Message and a Qur´an making things clear: That it may give admonition to any (who are)
alive, and that the charge may be proved against those who reject (Truth). (Surah 36, Ya-Sin, verses 69-70).
34) (Here is) a Book which We have sent down unto thee, full of blessings, that they may mediate on its Signs, and that men of understanding may receive admonition. (Surah 38, Sad, verse 29).
35) "This is no less than a Message to (all) the Worlds. And ye shall certainly know the truth of it (all) after a while." (Surah 38, Sad, verses 87-88).
36) We have put forth for men, in this Qur´an every kind of Parable, in order that they may receive admonition. (Surah 39, Az-Zumar, verse27).
37) Verily We have revealed the Book to thee in Truth, for (instructing) Mankind. He, then, that receives guidance benefits his own soul: but he that strays injures his own soul. Nor art thou set over them to dispose of their affairs. (Surah 39, Az-Zumar, verse 41).
38) And thus have We, by Our Command, sent inspiration to thee: thou knewest not before) what was Revelation, and what was Faith; but We have made the (Qur´an) a Light, wherewith We guide such of Our servants as We will; and verily thou dost guide (men) to the Straight Way, - (Surah 42, Al-Shura, verse 52).
39) Verily in this is a Message for any that has a heart and understanding or who gives ear and
earnestly witnesses (the truth). (Surah 50, Qaf, verse 37).
40) We know best what they say; and thou art not one to overawe them by force. So admonish with the Qur´an such as fear My Warning! (Surah 50, Qaf, verse 45).
41) And We have indeed made the Qur´an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition? (Surah 54, Al-Qamar, verse 17).
42) That this is indeed a Qur´an most honourable, In a Book well-guarded, which none shall touch but those who are clean: A Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds. (Surah 56, Al-Waqi’ah, verses77-80).
43) But it is nothing less than a Message to all the worlds. (Surah 68, Al-Qalam, verse 52).
44) (This is) a Message sent down from the Lord of the Worlds. (Surah 69, Al-Haqqah, verse 43).
45) But verily this is a Message for the Allah fearing. (Surah 69, Al-Haqqah, verse 48).
46) Verily this is no less than a Message to (all) the Worlds: (With profit) to whoever among you wills to go straight :( Surah 81, Al-Takwir, verses 27-28).
47) Behold this is the Word that distinguishes (Good from Evil) :( It is not a thing for amusement. (Surah 86, Al Tariq, verses 13-14).
48) A.L.M.R. These are the signs (or verses) of the Book: that which hath been revealed unto thee from thy Lord is the Truth; but most men believe not. (Surah 13, Al-Ra’d, verse 1).
49) When thou dost recite the Qur´an, We put, between thee and those who believe not in the Hereafter, a veil invisible :( Surah 17, Bani Israil, verse 45).
50) Then We have given the Book for inheritance to such of Our Servants as We have chosen: but there are among them some who wrong their own souls; some who follow a middle course; and some who are, by Allah’s leave, foremost in good deeds; that is the highest Grace. (Surah 35, Fatir, verse 32).
51) Allah has revealed (from time to time) the most beautiful Message in the form of a Book, consistent with itself, (yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects): the skins of those who fear their Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their hearts do soften to the celebration of Allah's praises. Such is the guidance of Allah. He guides therewith whom He pleases, but such as Allah leaves to stray, can have none to guide. (Surah 39, Al-Zumar, verse 23).
52) (It is) a Qur´an in Arabic, without any crookedness (therein): in order that they may guard against Evil. (Surah 39, Al-Zumar, verse 28).
53) Those who reject the Message when it comes to them (are not hidden from Us). And indeed it is a Book of exalted power. No falsehood can approach it from before or behind it: It is sent down by One Full of Wisdom, Worthy of all Praise. Nothing is said to thee that was not said to the messengers before thee: that thy lord has at his Command (all) forgiveness as well as a most grievous penalty.  (Surah 41, Ha-Mim, verses 41-41-43).
54) Do ye then wonder at this recital? And will ye laugh and not weep, - Wasting your time in vanities? (Surah 53, An-Najm, verses 59-60-61).
55) Had We sent down this Qur´an on a mountain, verily, thou wouldst have seen it humble itself and cleave asunder for fear of Allah. Such are the similitudes which We propound to men, that they may reflect. (Surah 59, Al-Hashr, verse 21).
56) But truly (Revelation) is a cause of sorrow for the Unbelievers. But verily it is Truth of assured certainty. (Surah 69, Al-Haqqah, verses 50-51).
57) It is for Us to collect it and to promulgate it: But when We have promulgated it, follow thou its recital (as promulgated):  Nay more, it is for Us to explain it (and make it clear): (Surah 75, Al-Qiyamah, verses 17-18-19).
58) Do they not then earnestly seek to understand the Qur´an, or are their hearts locked up by them? (Surah 47, Muhammad, verse 24).
59) Narrated 'Aisha: Allah's Apostle (Peace be upon him) recited the Verse: -- "It is He who has sent down to you the Book. In it are Verses that are entirely clear, they are the foundation of the Book, others not entirely clear. So as for those in whose hearts there is a deviation (from the Truth ) follow thereof that is not entirely clear seeking affliction and searching for its hidden meanings; but no one knows its hidden meanings but Allah. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in it (i.e. in the Qur'an) the whole of it (i.e. it’s clear and unclear Verses) are from our Lord. And none receive admonition except men of understanding." (3.7) Then Allah's Apostle (Peace be upon him) said, "If you see those who follow thereof that is not entirely clear, then they are those whom Allah has named [as having deviation (from the Truth)] 'So beware of them." (Sahih Bukhari: Volume 6, Book 60, Number 70: Book of Prophetic Commentary on the Quran [Tafseer]) (Islambase Publications).
60) Narrated Musa bin Abi Aisha: That he asked Said bin Jubair regarding (the statement of Allah). 'Move not your tongue concerning (the Quran) to make haste therewith (75.16).' He said, "Ibn 'Abbas said that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) used to move his lips when the Divine Inspiration was being revealed to him. So the Prophet (Peace be upon him) was ordered not to move his tongue, which he used to do, lest some words should escape his memory. 'It is for Us to collect it' means, We will collect it in your chest;' and its recitation' means, We will make you recite it. 'But when We recite it (i.e. when it is revealed to you), follow its recital; it is for Us to explain it and make it clear,' (i.e. We will explain it through your tongue). (Sahih Bukhari: Volume 6, Book 60, Number 450: Book of Prophetic Commentary on the Quran [Tafseer]) (Islambase Publications).
61) Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas: Allah's Apostle (Peace be upon him) said, "Gabriel recited the Qur'an to me in one way. Then I requested him (to read it in another way), and continued asking him to recite it in other ways, and he recited it in several ways till he ultimately recited it in seven different ways." (Sahih Bukhari: Volume 6, Book 61, Number 513: Book of Virtues of the Quran) (Islambase Publications).
62) Narrated 'Uthman: The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, "The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it." (Sahih Bukhari: Volume 6, Book 61, Number 545: Book of Virtues of the Quran) (Islambase Publications).

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