
The purpose of this blog is to help generate and promote interest in the reading, understanding, and practice of the teachings of the Holy Quran and Sahih Hadees. All matter collected and presented in this blog is from the Quran and authentic Hadees – Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. Every Quranic verse or hadees has been referenced properly to the best of human ability. Should there be any error, kindly report the same immediately.

The matter collected has currently been grouped in 28 different topics which are of common interest and relate to day-to-day religious activities, religious doctrines, Islamic principles, and common misconceptions and aberrations in religious practices. The purpose of collecting different verses under different topics is to clarify and reinforce ideas related to the topics. For example, the fatal fallacy of the practice of shirk can be demonstrated by the sheer number of verses related to the topic. This Blog has listed 82 such references; there could be many more. Most people are dimly aware that the practice of shirk is frowned upon by Islam; however, actually seeing and reading so many authentic references from the Quran and hadees, and reading about the repercussions, has a definite corrective impression upon the mind.

The collection of verses for any topic is merely indicative and by no means complete or exhaustive. It is hoped - God willing- that this blog will help promote further reading and study of the translations of the Quran and Hadees. This blog is meant for all – those recently inducted into Islam; regular followers; as well as people from other Faiths, who profess an interest in the study of Islam. The Quran exhorts all believers to study and impart religious knowledge, to enjoin good, and to forbid evil. It is hoped – God willing - that this blog will prove to be a positive step in this direction.

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