Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Petition only Allah (Allah hi se mango/darkhawst karo)

1) Seventy thousand of my (Muhammad – Peace be upon him) Ummah would enter Paradise without rendering account. They would be those who would neither practise charm, nor take omens, nor do they cauterise, but they repose their trust in their Lord. (Sahih Muslim Part I; Book of Faith; Chapter XCI, page 141; 9th edition).
2) Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek. (Surah Al-Fatihah, verse 5, The Holy Quran).
3) ....and besides Him you have neither patron not helper. (Surah 2, Al-Baqarah or the Heifer, verse 107 [last part]).
 4) Be ye not afraid of them (Satan’s votaries), but fear Me, if you have faith. (Surah 3, Al-Imran, verse 175).
5) If there is any good (done), He doublet it, and giveth from His own self a great reward (Surah 4, An-Nisa, Verse 40 Part).
6) Christ disdaineth not to serve and worship Allah, nor do the angels, those nearest (to Allah). (Surah 4 An-Nisa Verse 172 Part).
7) Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which hath been invoked the name of other than Allah.... (Surah 5 Al-Maida Verse 3 Part).
8) ....therefore fear not men, but fear Me.... (Surah 5 Al-Maida Verse 44 Part).
9) Say, ‘Think ye, if Allah took away your hearing and your sight, and sealed up your hearts, who – a God other than Allah - could restore them to you?’ (Surah 6, Al-An’am, Verse 46, Part).
10) Say: ‘I am forbidden to worship those – others than Allah- whom ye call upon.’ (Surah 6, Al-An’am, Verse 56 Part).
11) "If not Him, ye worship nothing but names which ye have named, - ye and your fathers, - for which Allah hath sent down no authority: the command is for none but Allah. He hath commanded that ye worship none but Him: that is the right religion, but most men
understand not... (Surah 12, Yusuf, verse 40)
12) For Him (alone) is prayer in Truth: any others that they call upon besides Him hear them no more than if they were to stretch forth their hands for water to reach their mouths but it reaches them not: for the prayer of those without Faith is nothing but (futile) wandering (in the mind). (Surah 13, Al-Ra’d, verse 14).
13) Say: "Call on those - besides Him - whom ye fancy: they have neither the power to remove your troubles from you nor to change them." Those whom they call upon do desire (for
themselves) means of access to their Lord, - even those who are nearest: they hope for His Mercy and fear His Wrath: for the Wrath of thy Lord is something to take heed of.   (Surah 17, Bani Isra-il Verses 56-57).
14) Verily, this brotherhood of yours is a single Brotherhood, and I am your Lord and
Cherisher: therefore serve Me (and no other). But (later generations) cut off their affair (of
unity), one from another: (yet) will they all return to Us. (Surah 21, Al-Anbiyya, verses 92-93).
15) That is because Allah - He is the Reality; and those besides Him whom they invoke, - they are but vain Falsehood: verily Allah is He, Most High, Most Great (Surah 22, Al-Hajj, verse62).
16) O men! Here is a parable set forth! Listen to it! Those on whom, besides Allah, ye call, cannot create (even) a fly, if they all met together for the purpose! And if the fly should snatch away anything from them, they would have no power to release it from the fly. Feeble are those who petition and those whom they petition! No just estimate have they made of Allah. For Allah is He Who is strong and able to Carry out His Will. (Allah chooses Messengers from angels and from men for Allah is He Who hears and sees (all things) (Surah 22, Al-Hajj, verses 73-74-75).
17) The day He will gather them together as well as those whom they worship besides Allah, He will ask: "Was it ye who let these My servants astray, or did they stray from the Path themselves?" They will say: "Glory to Thee! Not meet was it for us that we should take for protectors others besides Thee: But Thou didst bestow, on them and their fathers, good things (in life), until they forgot the Message: for they were a people (worthless and) lost."(Surah 25, Al-Furqan, verses 17-18).
18) So call not on any other god with Allah, or thou wilt be among those under the Penalty. And admonish thy nearest kinsmen, and lower thy wing to the Believers who follow thee. Then if they disobey thee, say: "I am free (of responsibility) for what ye do!" And put thy trust on the Exalted in Might, the Merciful, - (Surah 26, Ash-Shuaraa, verses 213-217).
19) And call not, besides Allah, on another god. There is no god but He. Everything (that exists) will perish except His Own Face. To Him belongs the Command, and to Him will ye (all) be brought back. (Surah 28, Al-Qasas, verse 88)
20)  O Prophet! Fear Allah, and hearken not to the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites: verily Allah is full of Knowledge and Wisdom. But follow that which comes to thee by inspiration
from thy Lord: for Allah is well acquainted with (all) that ye do. And put thy trust in Allah, and enough is Allah as a disposer of affairs. (Surah 33, Al-Ahzab, verses 1-3)
21) (The answer will be :) "This is because, when Allah was invoked as the Only (object of worship), ye did reject Faith, but when partners were joined to Him, ye believed! The Command is with Allah, Most High, Most Great!"(Surah 40, Al-Mumin, verse 12).
22) Call ye, then, upon Allah with sincere devotion to Him, even though the Unbelievers may detest it. (Surah 40, Al-Mumin, verse14).
23) And your Lord says: "Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer): but those who are too arrogant to serve Me will surely find themselves in Hell – in humiliation!" (Surah 40, Al-Mumin, verse 60)
24) Say: "I have been forbidden to invoke those whom ye invoke besides Allah,- seeing that the Clear Sings have come to me from my Lord; and I have been commanded to bow (in Islam) to the Lord of the Worlds." (Surah 40, Al-Mumin, verse 66)
25) Nor can ye frustrate (aught), (fleeing) through the earth; nor have ye, besides Allah, any one to protect or to help. (Surah 42, Al-Shura, verse 31).
26) And the places of worship are for Allah (alone): So invoke not any one along with Allah. (Surah 72, Al-Jinn, verse 18).
27) But keep in remembrance the name of thy Lord and devote thyself to Him whole-heartedly. (Surah 73, Al Muzzammil, verse 8).
28) Verily this is an Admonition: therefore, whoso will, let him take a (straight) path to his Lord! (Surah 73, Al-Muzzammil, verse 19).
29) When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me: Let them also, with a will, Listen to My call, and believe in Me: That they may walk in the right way (Surah 2, Al-Baqarah, verse 186).
30) Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek. (Surah 1, Al-Fatiha, verse 5)
31) But fall ye down in prostration to Allah, and adore (Him)! (Surah 53, An-Najm, verse 62).
32) The Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah. So call on him by them; but shun such men as use profanity in his names: for what they do, they will soon be requited. (Surah 7, Al-Ar’af, verse 180).
33) "But those ye call upon besides Him, are unable to help you, and indeed to help themselves."

(Surah 7, Al-A’raf, verse 197).

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