Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Sending Salutations (Salaams) and Darud on the Prophet (Peace be upon him)

1) Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said, ‘Verily Allah is Himself Peace. When anyone of you sits during the prayer, he should say: (The Tashahhud) All services rendered by words, by acts of worship, and all good things are due to Allah. Peace be upon you, O Prophet, and Allah’s mercy and blessings. Peace be upon us and upon Allah’s upright servants’. (When he says this, it reaches every upright servant in heaven and earth). (Then say further): ‘I testify that there is no god but Allah and I testify that Muhammad is his servant and Messenger’. (Sahih Muslim Part I; Book of Salat; Chapter CLXIV, page 221; 9th edition).
2) The Companions asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him), Allah has commanded us to bless you, but how should we bless you? Upon this, the Prophet (Peace be upon him),  recited the Darud-e-Ibrahim. (Sahih Muslim Part I; Book of Salat; Chapter CLXV, page 223; 9th edition).
3) The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, ‘When you hear the Muazzin proclaim the azaan, repeat what he says, then invoke a blessing on me, for everyone who invokes a blessing on me will receive ten blessings from Allah; then beg from Allah al-Wasila for me, which is a rank in Paradise fitting for only one of Allah’s servants. Anyone who asks that I be given the Wasila will be assured of my intercession’. (Sahih Muslim Part I; Book of Salat; Chapter CLV, page 209; 9th edition).
4) Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on him, and salute him with all respect. (Surah 33, Al-Ahzab, verse 56).
5) Narrated Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Laila: Ka'b bin Ujrah met me and said, "Shall I not give you a present I got from the Prophet (Peace be upon him)?" 'Abdur-Rahman said, "Yes, give it to me." I said, "We asked Allah's Apostle (Peace be upon him) saying, 'O Allah's Apostle! How should one (ask Allah to) send blessings on you, the members of the family, for Allah has taught us how to salute you (in the prayer)?' He said, 'Say: O Allah! Send Your Mercy on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad, as You sent Your Mercy on Abraham and on the family of Abraham, for You are the Most Praise-worthy, the Most Glorious. O Allah! Send Your Blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You sent your Blessings on Abraham and on the family of Abraham, for You are the Most Praise-worthy, the Most Glorious." (Sahih Bukhari: Volume 4, Book 55, Number 589: Book of the Prophets) (Islambase Publications).
6) Narrated 'Abdullah: We used to say in the prayer: 'As-Salam be on Allah, As-Salam be on so-and so.' So one day the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said to us, "Allah Himself is As-Salam; when anyone of you sits during his prayer, he should say: 'At-tah, iyyatu-lillahi,' up to 'As-Salihin,' (All the compliments are for Allah ...righteous people) for when he recites this, then he says his Salam to all the righteous people present in the heavens and on the earth. Then he should say, 'I testify that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah, and that Muhammad is His slave and His Apostle,' and then he can select whatever he likes to celebrate (Allah's) Praises." (Sahih Bukhari: Volume 8, Book 75, Number 340: Book of Invocations) (Islambase Publications).

7) Narrated 'Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Laila: Ka'b bin 'Ujra met me and said, "Shall I give you a present? Once the Prophet (Peace be upon him) came to us and we said, 'O Allah's Apostle! We know how to greet you; but how to send 'Salat' upon you? He said, 'Say: Allahumma Salli ala Muhammadin wa 'ala Ali Muhammadin, kama sal-laita 'ala al Ibrahima innaka Hamidun Majid. Allahumma barik 'ala Muhammadin wa 'ala al Muhammadin, kama barakta 'ala al Ibrahima, innaka Hamidun Majid." (Sahih Bukhari: Volume 8, Book 75, Number 368: Book of Invocations) (Islambase Publications).

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